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In case you were wondering...

Hello, this is Chelsea, the creator of this site. I don't have much to say about myself, except that I go to school and I love Ben Stiller!! I would like to use this page to express a very strong feeling. That feeling is: SPANISH CLASS SUCKS. True, this has nothing to do with the wonderful Ben Stiller, but I am at school typing this, and I just had to sit through 45 minutes of that siesure inducing class. "Anybody have some coke?" My friends and I occasionally call out. "Coke-a-cola!" Corrects our Senora. Ok senora, if you think that's what we're asking, fine. Now I realize that many of you have had spanish classes, and are wondering how much worse mine could be, so let's look at the evidence: she said the word "ok" 72 times in one class period. We found a dried up bird leg on her carpet. She once called Ben Stiller "Vince Diller". There's your Ben Stiller Significance.
I am sorry to subject you to that paragraph.

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