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Memorable Quotes From Movies

THE SIMPSONS episode as Garth Motherloving:He is owner of a large sugar corporation, and is being sued by Marge. A scientist who was working for him is testifying against him, giving the details of their secret operation.
Scientist: We thought we were GOD.
Garth Motherloving: You weasel! I'll kill you!
Attorney: May I remind you we're in open court?
G. M: I'll Kill you too!(Turning to rest of the courtroom) I'll kill you all!!
Judge: Mr. Motherloving, some people may view that as a threat.
G.m: I'll kill you while you sleep!

THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS(these quotes may give away parts of the movie, read at your own risk!)
Richie Tenenbaum attempted suicide, family is standing around his hosptal bed.
Chas Tenenbaum: Why did you do it?
Richie T.: I wrote a suicide note after I regained consciousness.
Chas T.: Can you read it?
Richie: No.
Chas: Can you para-frase it?
Richie: No.
Chas: Was it dark?
Richer: Of course it was dark, it was a suicide note!

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