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Movie Thoughts

My Comments on the movies I've seen.

1/20/02-Orange County
It was pretty boring to say the least. The funniest part of the movie was probably Ben's cameo (I am not just saying that because it was Ben delivering the lines, if it had been someone else that would still be the funniest part of the movie.) For example:
Jack Black trying to avoid giving his real name to the fireman
Ben: What's your name?
Jack Black: Joe.. John.
B: Your name is Joe John?
I really can't recall much else other than it was pretty funny when Ben asked Jack Black where his pants were.

1/16/02-The Royal Tenebaums
Just the other week, after months of waiting, The Royal Tenenbaums FINALLY came out in a theater near me. Here are my thoughts: The Royal Tenenbaums was really a different movie: there were parts that made your jaw drop and others that made you laugh so hard you cried. I won't go into plot details, but just to say that Stiller's character was no Greg Focker or Ted Stroehman. He and Owen Wilson have one of the funniest scenes in the movie, more on this later. I will be adding memorable quotes and a movie review page within the next week or so.

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