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Hey out there!! Thanks for taking the time to visit this site!! I'm just starting out so things will be a little slow at first (this is my first real attempt at a webpage)but it will have everything you need to know about Ben Stiller!!! Biography, Fimography, Gallery, News, and magazine articles are some of the things you will find here.


Let me first of all say something to you,Ben: if you ever stumble across this sight, know that your fans are NOT "phantoms". My friends and I love you and your movies ( Zoolander was SO much better than Corky Romano) and after hearing your audio book, while I know it was written a couple years ago and there are fan sites for you now, this one will be BETTER!!!(How could you even COMPARE Corky Romano to Zoolander?!)

I first came to know of Ben when i saw the movie There's Something About Mary. After that, since I was younger, I didn't hear or see anything else of him until Keeping the Faith. Later when Meet the Parents came out I was really looking forward to seeing it. But my fan-hood did not arrive until Zoolander, which I Made everybody in my family see at LEAST once. After Zoolander i headed over to the internet movie data-base where I got his filmography. After reading it, I realized he had been in things that i had seen, but I never recognized him. (Remember Heavyweights?) I went back and saw just about every movie i could get my hands on, including any tv show that was featuring him at the time. He not only has a talent for acting/writing/directing funny movies, but he is one of the best drama actors I have seen, and definitely deserves more credit than he is given.

MY FAVE MOVIES: There's Something About Mary,Permanent Midnight, The Royal Tenenbaums... Ah,hell, I love them all!!

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